Hey guys!
I'm Uns - fitness influencer and pharmacy student.
All my life I've had questions about how I can balance uni, being an influencer, focusing on my religion and working at the gym/pharmacy at such a young age. The answer is: I keep my end goal in mind.
I created the brand 'Nihayah' because I want the clothes to be a constant reminder for you about your end goal. Everytime you wear Nihayah I want you to remember where you want to be in life and go out and work towards it.
Nihayah means 'the end' in arabic, and the reality is; everyone's end goal is different. For me, I believe that this life is not the end. There is a hereafter that I want to work towards and get to paradise.
But for you, your end goal could be different. Perhaps it's a degree you want to achieve or a certain rank you want to get to at work.
In conclusion, everything in this world is a distraction from your end goal. Focus. Keep your end goal in mind.